Short Notes on Monroe and Woodbury Village, Town Business For The Week
Some quick odds and ends for you while I finish up some freelance writing assignments elsewhere …
A. The sound quality from the February 8th, 2024 Village of Woodbury Board meeting is terrible.
I’ll do my best to go through it and write something that accurately reflects what happened and what was said.
The tl;dr is that Village Councilman James Freiband continues to obstruct village business, but it’s not clear if this obstruction is due to incompetence, being new to the position, or if it’s intentional.
The Town Board made a big show of “wanting to work together”, but no member of the Woodbury Town Board was present at the Village Board meeting last night.
I don’t see how you can work together when there isn’t a representative of the Town at the Village meeting (and vice versa, if we’re being fair.)
B. I’ve sent FOIL requests to the following People:
-The Town of Woodbury concerning the purchase of a dryer for the Animal Shelter. The less said about that situation, for now, the better.
-The Monroe Village Police concerning the officer’s report and notes from the incident and the phone call from the Monroe Town Clerk.
-The Town of Monroe asking for a copy of the phone call (if available) between the Town Clerk and the Village of Monroe police department.
-I’ve also asked for a copy of any email communications between Supervisor Cardone and Councilwoman Houle concerning the events of the February 5th Town Board meeting and the incident that occurred after.
-I’ve also requested that the Town of Monroe not destroy any documentation concerning the incident. Not that I think they would, but I’d like it documented somewhere that it was requested they not do so.
-Last but not least: I haven’t foiled this yet, but I have requested from the Village of Monroe the name of the provider who clears out the geese at the Millpond.
Concern was raised by Village residents at this week’s meeting about the geese being killed.
I don’t know if that’s the case. The mayor stated at the meeting he doesn’t know what the provider does with the geese.
So, I’m going to find out …
C. What am I working on?
Coming soon: A write-up on the Board of Education meeting, the Village Board meeting for Woodbury, and the Village Board meeting for Monroe.
I also now plan to attend all future Town of Monroe Board meetings between now and August 1st when I’m … Supposedly … Leaving town.