This make it sound like the DEC is giving a rubber-stamp to the Clovewood project, but that is not necessarily the case. To say, "vote appropriately" is suggesting that an executive department, the DEC, can be controlled by Skoufis is at best incorrect, which I'm sure that you are aware of. Senator Skoufis works for the people in his District. Most people who live here, no matter their party affiliation, have witnessed that for themselves. Being responsible, let's see what stipulations, if any, must be met before construction resumes. That statement you posted sounds like something he wrote a long time ago. Just saying. Could it be an accidental re-post? I don't know.

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It came out Friday evening. You can see it on his Facebook Page unless he's deleted it since this article went live.

He also stated he can advocate. Asking him to write a letter to the DEC is literally advocation, which he has REFUSED to do when asked by numerous area residents. Like I keep saying to people in Woodbury, whomever you all think this guy was, he ain't now, and his behavior proves that out if anyone is willing to look at the evidence for themselves.

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